莱利亚N. 霍金斯空气污染常见问题解答



我们的空气主要是二氮2)和二氧(O2). 城市空气中有害化学物质的例子包括臭氧(O)3)和芳烃,如苯(C6H6). 除了这些气相化学物质, 有由硝酸盐等化合物组成的微小颗粒(气溶胶), 硫酸, 铵, 还有很多有机化合物,比如羧酸, 醛, 碳氢化合物(C)xHy 分子).

像碳氢化合物这样的特定空气污染物是如何产生的, 二氧化氮, 还有二氧化硫, 以化学方式形成并影响人类?

短, simplified answer is that hydrocarbons are typically emitted as unburnt fuel from cars and trucks, 以及工业过程. Nitrogen oxides are generated when combustion occurs in the air (because air is 78 percent dinitrogen) 还有二氧化硫 发射 when fuels containing sulfur are combusted in air. 煤是含硫量高的燃料的一个例子. 当煤不处理硫而燃烧时,SO2 发射. Nitrogen and sulfur oxides contribute to acid rain while hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are key precursors to photochemical smog (ozone and particulate matter). 两者都对我们的健康有害,因为它们会导致哮喘, 心血管病, 还有脑损伤.

空气污染最有害的形式是什么? 为什么?

The harm in air pollution comes in many forms, so it is impossible to claim one form is the “worst.“然而, 呼吸问题, the most harmful type of pollution would be the very smallest (below 100 nm in diameter) particles, containing strong acids like sulfuric acid or carcinogens like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.然而, one might argue that the most harmful type of pollution is carbon dioxide because it contributes to global climate change which has worldwide consequences and has a long atmospheric lifetime.


我做过的最有趣的研究是在智利海岸附近的一艘船上, 看看空气污染对云和全球气候的影响. 我们甚至穿越了巴拿马运河!


Methane is a powerful greenhouse 气体 and it absorbs infrared radiation more efficiently than carbon dioxide. 它还可以参与烟雾的形成, 因为它能与臭氧和二氧化氮等氧化剂发生反应.



根据空气污染的种类,影响也会发生变化. 在某些情况下,非常酸性的污染会使雕像和建筑物恶化. 树木和植物受到强氧化剂和酸的伤害. 淡水也会受到污染. Breathing low levels of air pollutants cause irritation of lung tissues but high levels can cause asthma attacks and even strokes. 温室气体污染导致气候变化.然而, 朦胧的烟雾也使地球比原来更冷一些, 所以在这个意义上, 这很好,因为它抵消了我们从二氧化碳中经历的一些变暖.



是的, particulate air pollution (like smog) can cause asthma, 心血管病, and strokes. 如果致癌物含量很高,那么人们就会患上癌症(这就像吸烟一样)。.


是的, air pollution can affect the atmosphere because the mixed part of the atmosphere (the troposphere) is actually very small in volume. 这意味着即使添加少量污染物也会影响我们所经历的空气质量.


Air pollution reduces the visibility in cities so that it becomes hard to see (like in foggy conditions). It can also erode statues and buildings if they are made of carbonate and the pollution is acidic.


这取决于你对哪种污染感兴趣. We are constantly finding new ways to clean up pollution but also continuously adding new kinds of pollution to the environment, 随着技术的进步. 因此,虽然铅(来自含铅油漆和汽油)不再被添加到环境中, 海洋中的塑料正在增加. 总会有污染.

室外污染比室内污染更令人担忧吗? 为什么?

这取决于你的位置. 在许多发展中国家, indoor air pollution is as bad or many times worse than outdoor air pollution because indoor cookstoves burning biofuel are unfiltered and produce large amounts of smoke (tiny particles). 使用气味浓烈的清洁产品会导致室内污染水平升高. 除了使用有香味的清洁产品外,使用带有臭氧的空气净化器可能会非常糟糕. 烧香是室内颗粒物的另一个主要来源.



空气污染的主要来源是燃烧化石燃料(煤), 气体, 石油)和生物质(树木), 粪).在光化学烟雾中(比如在洛杉矶),你也需要阳光.


化石燃料燃烧是大多数地方空气污染的主要原因. 这包括燃烧煤、石油和汽油作为能源. 这是因为它们有其他不能清洁燃烧的元素, 留下形成空气污染的物质. 在发展中国家,燃烧木材和粪便造成了最严重的空气污染.


Air pollution is bad in cities like Beijing due to two factors: (1) high emissions of 气体es and particles and (2) stagnation events, where the air is not mixed with clean air but remains stagnant (stable) and the pollutants build up instead of being blown away. The emissions result from driving older cars with poorly designed engines and burning lots of coal for energy that has sulfur in it. 硫转化为硫酸盐,并产生许多颗粒,导致你看到的雾霾. The levels of pollution necessary for smog to look like fog are very dangerous for us to breathe.


不,空气污染不是全球变暖的唯一原因. 森林砍伐是一个大问题. 农业牛肉产业也是如此(牛排放甲烷).


What other forms of energy would you suggest our generation use in order to stop the burning of coal and minimize the need for fossil fuels? 为什么?

任何产生更少废物和更少污染物的能源都是不错的选择. 常见的例子包括太阳能、风能和地热能. 水力发电可以是清洁的, 但有时水坝的安置会对自然栖息地产生不利影响.

我很担心美国未来的空气质量. 你能告诉我些什么吗?

实际上,在美国,我们对NO等污染物有相当严格的空气质量规定2 碳氢化合物以及严格的臭氧和颗粒计数标准. 在大多数日子里,美国的大多数地方都符合这些标准. Air quality in the US has dramatically improved since the 1970s when wearing a mask would have been advisable though it was not common practice. 在我家,我们每天都能看到我们当地的山脉(这在20世纪70年代不是真的)。. 汽车, 虽然人数在增加, are becoming extremely clean and the use of electric cars has further improved the smog situation. 美国真正担心的是温室气体排放, 比如二氧化碳和甲烷, which are increasing and require stricter standards to avoid catastrophic global climate change.这些污染物以目前的水平呼吸是无害的, 但它们会吸收红外线辐射,给地球加热.


It is very hard to lower the amounts of pollution because our population is growing rapidly and our lives are becoming more energy intensive. 因此,技术创新必须超过人口增长.

What do you think about the approach our President and Congress are taking on the topic of air pollution and fossil fuels being used?

The current administration seems to be operating on the premise that our environment is infinitely capable of absorbing our pollutants without any detrimental effects. 这种推理与该领域所有可信的科学工作背道而驰, 我认为这种做法极其短视和不负责任.I’m hopeful that future administrations will work toward solutions for air quality that are based on science.

在你看来, what do you think is the best way that students like us could lend a hand in preventing further air pollution?

提高对这个问题的认识, 学习科学技术,帮助创造清洁技术, 并倡导更好的能源使用实践.



这取决于污染的种类. Developing nations like China and India are known to have very high levels of smog type pollution. 美国的水平要低得多. 比如二氧化碳之类的温室气体, China emits the most but the per capita (per person) emissions are only half that of the United States. 根据2015年EDGAR数据库,卡塔尔的人均排放量最高. 随着发展中国家为其公民创造更高的生活质量, 他们的人均污染也会增加. 这是气候变化和空气质量的一个主要问题.

Do proposed solutions to climate change affect other countries and their economic development?

是的, restrictions on pollution of greenhouse 气体es necessarily impact economic development in the absence of new technologies. Some people support the idea of sharing technology with developing nations so that they may improve the standard of living for their citizens with green technologies rather than fossil fuel burning.


European countries tend to be ahead of the curve with respect to climate change and reducing emissions.


减少雾霾类污染物的排放立竿见影. 然而, 温室气体的寿命很长, 所以我们需要等20多年, 可能长达100年, 如果我们今天停止排放这些气体,这个系统就会恢复到污染前的状态. 这是一段很长的时间.


是的, since the industrial revolution (1850) we have been burning fossil fuels for energy and emitting carbon dioxide and other pollutants.


是的, very likely there will be significant impacts to global climate in the next 20-50 years.